NUTRITion in TEnerife

With a balanced eating plan you can achieve the well-being and fitness that you have always wanted!

How many times have you made a diet with many sacrifices, obtaining little or no results? or at the end of the diet you return to the previous conditions?

Normally, in diets, are prescribed restrictive eating plans in which substances essential for the body are limited or eliminatedThe right way to get your physical well-being is to change the way to eat and to intend the nutrition.


Perfect diet

Theoretically, the right diet is one in which the least amount of food is eaten, ingesting all the nutrients and calories needed by the body at that moment. Ingested food in excess overloads your body, is transformed into fat and can be harmful to our health. This is why it is important to 'optimize' your diet by eating foods with a high nutritional value, avoiding 'junk foods', even if they bring few calories but with few nutrients.


It's not just a matter of quantity but above all of quality!

A correct eating plan should not be limited only to calculating calories, but supplying the essential substances (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, etc.) needed by the body to perform all metabolic processes and keep it fully functional, whether you want to lose weight or you want to increase muscle tone.



Lose weight does not mean lose fat!

Overly restrictive diets make you lose weight, but above all, muscles, energy, and liquids only a small part of fat; instead a diet balanced allows you to lose fat mass, increase your energy and preserve the mass muscle and increase it if it is combined with a training plan.

Food is the fuel for our body! The better the fuel, the better your 'engine' will work!

Based on my experience I noticed, that when I deliver to the customer a diet written on a sheet, it was not so productive and limiting over time. I think it's more correct to do information, teach a healthy diet and educate on the choice of food based on their nutritional values. All this does part of a nutritional education plan that it will allow you to improve your diet, yours well-being and your lifestyle, not temporarily but forever!



Healthy diet

A healthy lifestyle includes getting physical exercise along with eating a healthy diet

Remember: healthy lifestyle may lower disease risks, such as obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cancer, etc.